Listed below is additional information about our program.
If you have questions after reviewing the information provided,
please contact our office at 407-654-0979.

What is the Daily Schedule Like?

Our schedule here at Total Freedom is subject to change daily, however, we do have a generalized plan of what takes place for a resident while enrolled here.

During our program’s first 4-6 months, our residents undergo biblical studies in a classroom setting to help identify the spiritual roots of addiction. These studies help to understand why individual relapses and continues down the destructive paths they have been on.

  • 5:15 – 8:30 Morning prayer, breakfast, and corporate prayer
  • 8:30 – 12:00 Classroom Studies (memorization, notes, quizzes, final exam).
  • 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break
  • 1:00 – 4:00 Classroom Studies (memorization, notes, quizzes, final exam).
  • 5:00 – 7:00 Dinner, Corporate Prayer, Chores
  • 7:00 – 9:00 Evening Activities (Prayer Meetings, In-House Teachings, Bible Studies, Church, etc.)

After our residents undergo classroom settings and activities, they can seek employment. Once employment is obtained, there is a slight difference in the daily schedule, but that is about it.

What are the living conditions like ?

We have two houses for our residents currently in the program. One is for men just coming in (disciples) and the other is for men who have graduated the 9 month program (graduates). 

Discipleship House: This house can fit up to ten men. We generally keep enrollment at two per room. However, three rooms are spacious and can fit an additional bed if needed. The house has a common area, outdoor fire pit, recreational equipment and job placement opportunities on site. 

Graduate / Transition House: This house is specifically for men who have completed the nine months residency but opted to reside and stay living on our campus for accountability purposes. They weekly contribute $145 and split utilities. We have a private apartment upstairs that can be entered from a separate staircase. 

What do I bring upon admission?

So this is not case by case / this is an across the board of what you can bring while here:

Clothing/shoes / accessories/toiletries (excluding ones with alcohol) / pictures of family members only / pillows/sheets ) 

 Items you cannot have while here (please do not bring them, or we will have to make arrangements to send them back home to your families): 

Electronic devices/contraband (this gets disposed of) / pictures of non-family members / Items containing alcohol/reading material/hobbies (i.e., instruments/sports equipment) / and the like. 

Are random drug screenings conducted?

Yes, random drug/alcohol/nicotine screenings are conducted. If we have been apprised that someone’s character seems out of sorts, or if there is speculation from our staff, our office personnel keep a breathalyzer, nicotine test, and a 15-panel drug test on hand at all times. We do not give notice of said drug tests before testing.